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2004-10-27 - 10:44 p.m.

This entry and the next are from September - written but not posted - back in the days when working while having this house stuff going on and taking care of two homework-aged, CCD-going cubscouts in a two and a half room "house" for two months seemed totally do-able. "This will be fun! An adventure! Like camping without all the bugs and cold and wetness." HAHAHAHAHA! I laugh at my naivety. I laugh two months later with no end to the "camping" in sight. After the bugs have come in through the gaps in the wall, the cold has started to descend upon Maine, and the "wetness" - oh the "wetness!" Soon you will see what I mean about the "wetness." It's worth the wait . . .

Welcome to Wonderland

September 6 thru 16

Don't you hate it when you have to sweep the roof off your bathroom floor? I know I do.

Back up a bit. Last week . . . 2.5 workers on Monday (Labor Day, so I'm not complaining at all), Tuesday a bunch of guys but didn't work the whole day, WEDNESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY = RAINED OUT!!!! OK, Wed morning it was just cloudy but it had the potential for rain and did rain later in the day and all night. Thursday it poured all day. Friday was totally workable and yet there was no work being done. Sunday two guys came for about an hour or two to load a pile of scraps into the new dumpster. Monday - a beautiful day! Not. A. Soul. (Can you tell that I'm not too happy about that?) JD says they will be here on Tuesday, they just had to finish up something they started last week when they couldn't work here (except that they totally could have worked here on Friday).

Tuesday - 4 guys. Hardly a full crew but they seemed to get a lot done, so I'm only grumbling a little, and now my house looks like something out of Alice in Wonderland and I love it! When you open the door at the top of the stairs (where Phil's office/our bedroom used to be) you are OUTSIDE! I think I can only enjoy this for today, tomorrow it will probably be enclosed (boo! - sort of). In the process of cutting off the top of the house some of the "sand" from the roofing shingles fell through the bathroom fan (which is broken, but our fault, not theirs), thus I had to sweep the "roof" off the bathroom floor.

I was playing with Photoshop last week (when no one was here to work on the real house I was working on the virtual house) and fixed up my front porch and "finished" the front of the addition. Have a look:

I don't want to hear anything about not finishing the side. You tell me how to wrap blocks of fake shingles around the side and I'll do it.

Thursday - There's plywood on the side walls and the roof. We aren't enclosing the end of the room until we decide where the window is going. This room is almost 14'X14', which is awfully big for a kids'/guest bathroom. The architect drew it with the peak of the ceiling at 8' which means 4' on either side of the room was wasted because the walls were so short , so it was a 6'x14' room in a 14'x14' space. The tub/shower was on the left at the end of the room and the window was to the right, over the toilet. If you looked at the house from the back yard you would see the peak then down to one side the bathroom window, then down more centered below the peak the kitchen window. This would drive me crazy. The windows should line up and I don't want a window in the shower and I have to have a window in the bathroom. Well, the guys built the room with the ceiling peak at about 9.5', so the side walls are about 5.5' and there's much more useable space. In fact there's 14'x14' of useable space (almost - you can't put the shower on a 5.5' wall, and you need more wall height for a mirror over the counter). So now I want to rearrange the layout so I can center the window.

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